Traditional Japanese-style beds are called futons. Futon beds are specifically built to save space. The good thing about them is that they can be folded or aired at the time of need. In addition to saving space, futons look classy and elegant. Simple futons go with any themes. But to make sure that they complement your house theme, we have listed different ways about how to make a futon look classy.
We have noticed that some people do not know how to make them complement your house themes. So they end up pushing them in the corners or guest rooms. Moreover, some people buy extra-large or extra small futons that are not going with their themes. No matter whether you already own The 10 Best Rated Futons or you are planning to get one, you will get to learn different ways about how to make it look classy.
How to Make a Futon Look Classy Tips!
Clean your Futon regularly
It is essential to clean your futon regularly to get rid of any dirt. US e the following ways to clean a different type of futon.
Use a Vacuum Cleaner
Using a dust cleaner or a piece of clothing is not enough. Dust cleaner fails to remove dust gathered in the corners of the futon. So, it is suggested to use a vacuum cleaner instead of other dust cleaning clothes or things. Do not forget to fold your sofa while cleaning it. Most people forget to vacuum the corners, which results in dark stains as the dirt leaves blotches of stain with time.
Advice for Leather-Covered Futon
Vacuum cleaner to not work well on leather futons. So, one can use a clean piece of damp clothing to get rid of extra dirt and dust. Leave the fan on for 5-6 minutes to allow it to dry. Moreover, if there are not any blemishes or stains, then there is no need to use detergent with the damp futon.
Get Rid of Unpleasant Smell
If your futon starts to stink after some months or years, then there is no need to change the covers or send them for washing. Sprinkle baking soda all over it and then wipe it off with the help of a vacuum cleaner. All the unpleasant smell will go away with the baking soda.
Get Rid of Unwanted Spots
If there are some unwanted spots or blemishes on the cover, then we have a simple trick to get rid of them. Use a clean damp cloth and some ward detergent to wipe off the unpleasant spot by blotting it. Gently wipe the spot by blotting it with the damp cloth. The spot will simply go away with this technique. Do not use a strong detergent as it can degrade the quality of the fabric of your sofa.
Cover the Futon
Once you have cleaned the futon, the next step is to cover it to protect it from dust or debris. It is not easy to clean a futon in case of spilling something. So, it is better to keep it covered to avoid inconvenience in the future.
Use Cushions
Most people use covers to prevent their futons from dirt. But covering a futon with cushions instead of a plain blanket gives it a classy look. So we will suggest you to use cushions to cover it. The cushions will not only protect it from dirt and dust but also give it a stylish and classy look. Do not go for too many bright colors. Instead, choose a color in contrast or combination with the color of your futons. The best thing about pillows and cushions is that one can change their covers at a meager price. Thus, changing covers of pillows will allow you to redecorate your futon mattress without spending too much money.
The choice is yours!
Futons are always a better option than buying a new sofa or bed. Although most people have stylish and elegant futons in their homes, they do not take proper care of them. This carelessness results in giving them an ugly and unpleasant look. So, choose a perfect spot for futons and clean them regularly. Keep them covered to make them durable and long-lasting. Moreover, if you own a futon, do not push it in the corners or storeroom in normal days. Else it will become useless in a few days; instead, use it wisely with your beds or sofas.