By now you probably know a thing or two about CBD. This industry has grown numerous times over in the last several years thanks to the popularity and benefits of CBD. Read more information about CBD here. As the interest among users kept growing and as new people became fascinated with these products, those who make them realized that there is no going back, only forward. What started as just another pastime activity and a product that was a legal alternative to THC became a very diverse market with dozens of product types that millions of people enjoy each day. No longer is cannabidiol just for those who want the best things about this plant without the psychoactive substances of its more infamous cousin ingredient.
The benefits of CBD have been talked about in length by now, but many users and those who want to become users lack the knowledge of exactly what those benefits are. Why are these products actually taken and what makes them so special? Moreover, do they actually work and if so, how should one approach the consumption of CBD? If you are interested in any of these questions and the answers to them, we have just the thing for you. In this article we talk about CBD in depth and determine what the right dosage is. More specifically, we talk about its benefits on sleeping and how many times a day should people take it to improve their sleeping schedule and habits. Before you can reap the benefits yourself, a little homework is in order. Therefore, read on to find out more about CBD for sleep.
Does It Actually Help?
Before talking about the dosage and frequency of taking it, it first makes sense to talk about whether or not these products actually help with sleeping. Cannabidiol is one of the main cannabinoids in the cannabis plant. All of these terms may get confusing because they sound similar, but each of them refers to a specific thing so try to pay close attention. Cannabinoids are able to interact with the endocannabinoid system in our body, helping it maintain stability and balance, which is also known as homeostasis.
As mentioned earlier, unlike THC, cannabidiol is not psychoactive and it cannot get the consumers high. This is not its main purpose, far from it actually. The reason people take it is for health reasons and benefits that range from pain relief to reducing the symptoms of serious cases of seizures in those with epilepsy. CBD also helps those who experience anxiety, stress, and depression. But does it help with a good night’s sleep or is it a myth? Can this cannabis plant ingredient change the way you sleep for the better and what needs doing if it can?
The short answer is yes, but it is not that simple. Poor sleep is caused by a lot of things, often a mix of different factors. It could be mental health disorders like PTSD, anxiety, stress, and depression. Medication can disturb the sleep pattern, as can chronic pains and physical conditions. Too much caffeine intake and an unbalanced diet are not good for the body, which naturally also influences the sleeping capabilities in humans. Finally, it can also be environmental factors like uncomfortable beds, light pollution, and loud noises.
Since CBD helps with many of these issues, mainly the mental disorders and states that are otherwise difficult to treat, it is obvious how it can help. Moreover, CBD products relax the body and mind and calm the brain, giving it enough time and all the right conditions to rest up and recharge. In short, the combination of various benefits that CBD can give you is enough for a better and healthier sleeping pattern, especially if external factors are not the root of your problem.
What, How, and When to Take?
Now that you know that it truly does work, it is time to move on to the more pressing matter. There are many different ways to take CBD as it comes in many forms. In the end, it does not matter what type of product you take. You can pick vape concentrates, oils, tinctures, pills, capsules, or edibles. Even topical products like creams can help. Vaping is the fastest way to feel the effects but it is also the one with more risks due to challenges the respiratory organs are exposed to through inhaling.
When it comes to the dosage, it greatly depends on a wide variety of factors. Here we come to the titular question of the article, too. The chemistry of your body, your weight, your lifestyle, and the nature of your sleeping habits are all important here. For some, it takes more. For others, it takes less. What has worked for others may not work for you, or at least not in the same amount. It does not help that people take between as little as 10 mg of CBD to a few hundred mg per day.
What you should do is start slow and gradually increase the amount until you find the right spot. When you do, stick to it for a while until your body becomes immune to it, at which point you have to increase the dosage. CBD enjoyers take it multiple times per day, and there is not really a rule nor a guideline as to how many times one should take it to sleep better. What is important is for each individual to find the right product that works for them and then the right dosage. Taking too much is not good, while taking too little makes no sense.
The best thing you can hope for when aiming to sleep better is to take it closer to going to bed. If you take 100 mg per day, make sure the bulk of it comes in the hours leading to you going to bed. Do not take it when you are trying to stay awake, only when you want to relax and ease your mind before dosing off. Making a habit of it will also help your body get used to the times and your brain will start connecting the intake of CBD with sleeping. Before long, your sleeping schedule and quality will have already improved considerably.