Psychological evaluations are screening processes that are conducted by a psychologist. These tests consist of assessments that are administered by an authorized and certified individual. Because there are numerous ways of psychological evaluation, the nature of the exam will depend on your condition or your family member’s condition.
For instance, during an immigration evaluation, you will have a psychologist conducting numerous assessments to screen the process. This process will be similar to a secretive detective looking out for clues. Considering the number of clues a psychologist gathers, the more tests they might have to conduct to help you.
Some Cases Where Psychological Evaluation Is A Major Requirement
Conducting a psychological evaluation has numerous benefits considering the complexity of the case as well as the condition of the victim. Listed below are a few cases that mandatorily require a psychological evaluation.
Psychological Hardship
In a psychological hardship of the extreme level, a citizen residing in the United States opts for an immigration evaluation and a waiver. Thus, this is because the deportation of an individual can cause extreme hardships for the immediate family members, both psychologically and financially.
Apart from that, the court also keeps typical hardships in mind when evaluating such individuals. Some types of ‘typical hardships’ include the loss of a job or separation from a parent. In short, these kinds of hardships are from the negative aspects of deportation. Hardships that are considered way too extreme by the court are listed below for your convenience.
- If an individual is suffering from a medical condition and cannot travel abroad, his family members will have to remain in the United States to care for the individual.
- If the parents are aging, their children will have to consider staying in the U.S. to care for them.
- If an individual is the only breadwinner of their family and now has to be deported, his or her family might face financial hardships.
- If a child develops anxiety related to separation, especially because their parent decided to leave the United States. Young children are more prone to developing disorders related to depression.
After the evaluation, if the court finds the hardships faced by your family quite extreme, then you can expect cancellation of your deportation. Apart from that, the court will also consider granting you a legalized permanent resident.
Political Asylum
In cases related to political asylum, an individual is usually subjected to hard treatment as well as abuse in their origin country, mostly because of their religious beliefs, political beliefs, or their gender. Due to the mistreatment, these individuals usually seek the comfort of political asylum to ensure safety from their origin country inside the United States.
Due to the harsh mistreatment, they faced in their origin country, these individuals are usually more vulnerable to depressive disorders as well as Post-Traumatic Stress Disorders. Therefore, a psychological evaluation can help such individuals in numerous ways because their mental health is at stake because of prior persecution. Another interesting fact about a psychological assessment is that it will help determine the later effects of the abuse on the individual.
Violence Against Women Act (VAWA)
The VAWA policy caters to both men and women mistreated or abused by their spouses who own U.S citizenship. If you are married to an individual who holds U.S. citizenship and mistreats you for mental or even physical abuse, you can opt for this policy. This policy might also grant you permanent residency in the United States.
However, it may be essential to submit numerous documents when registering for this policy. You can opt for a psychological evaluation in such cases since it helps to determine the verbal, sexual as well as physical impact of the abuse on the victim.
Examination Waiver For Citizens(N-648)
If the victim is suffering from various cognitive defects, he may be waived off from attending the U.S. citizenship assessment. Some cognitive defects include brain injury, dementia, intellectual disabilities as well as learning disabilities. A psychological evaluation can help the victim to validate their claims. Besides, the court will also be able to assess the individual’s impairment more clearly, eventually learning the impacts of their impairment when giving the exam.
Deferred Action For Childhood Arrivals (DACA)
If the individual has a history of serious criminal offenses, he or she might have to face the rejection of their waiver petition under the DACA policy. In such situations, conducting a psychological evaluation can assist the court in deciding if the individual’s actions were due to a cognitive defect or other mental condition.
A U-Visa is usually granted to individuals residing in the United States, especially if they have been victims of physical as well as mental abuse due to a crime that took place in the same region. Some of the serious crimes that the court considers extreme include domestic violence, rape, torture, stalking, kidnapping as well as murder.
The victim should agree to testify against their violator and provide the necessary information that is required to prosecute the criminal. Many victims usually develop depressive disorders that make it difficult for them to testify. However, a psychological evaluation can help when it comes to learning the negative impact of the abuse on the victim.
A T-Visa is available for individuals and their family members who were once subjected to human trafficking. However, this is only valid if they agree to testify against their violators. It is also crucial for the individual to demonstrate the harm they will face if they are deported from the country. Thus, this way, they can achieve eligibility for a T-Visa.
The harm that the victim demonstrates should not include financial conditions or lack of economic opportunities. Some of the severe issues put forward by the court include age, personal problems, mental illnesses that are not treatable in the residing region, probability of re-victimization, and punishment by related individuals who were involved in the trafficking case upon the arrival of the victim.
When it comes to highlighting certain hardships in cases, a psychological evaluation can be a great help. Victims may be more prone to developing PTSD or other depressive disorders due to their past experiences. Therefore, attending a psychological evaluation will help establish a boundary for your mental needs.